2014 National Drug Take-Back Day and Sharps Drop-Off Day

The New Bedford Police Department has once again joined up with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to conduct another National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and Sharps Drop-Off Day Saturday, September 27, 2014, from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the New Bedford Police Department, 871 Rockdale Ave, New Bedford, MA.

This will provide a venue for city residents and others who want to dispose of unwanted and unused prescription drugs. It is a great opportunity for those who missed the previous events, or who have subsequently accumulated unwanted, unused prescription drugs, to safely dispose of those medications.

* National Drug Take-Back Day is open to all
* Safely dispose of unwanted prescription drugs with the Drug Enforcement Administration
* Sharps Drop-off Day is open to New Bedford and Dartmouth residents only, ID required
* Sharps include needles, syringes, and lancets
* Sharps must be in a red biohazard container prior to the drop-off day; sharps will not be accepted in any other type container.
* Call (508) 979-1493 to ask where to obtain one free biohazard container. Additional containers may be purchased from local pharmacies.