Police recruits brighten holidays by serving community
We salute future members of the NBPD and other area departments.
Members of the Plymouth Police Academy 63rd Recruit Officer Class (ROC) shared their time and energy during a variety of events this season to help local families have a happier holiday. The class features four recruits from the New Bedford Police Department, including Victoria Wagner, pictured at right.
She is shown shopping for toys, clothes and necessities that were given to families who might otherwise be unable to provide them for the holidays. The items were paid for by members of the class.
Recruits also ran in the Winter Lights 5K in Plymouth and the Santa Run in New Bedford. Both runs benefited community organizations.
The recruits also participated in Wreaths Across America, which placed wreaths on the graves of fallen service members at the National Cemetery in Bourne. Members of the 63rd were among the several hundred volunteers who shrugged off the sleet and rain to pay tribute and help in placing over 10,000 wreaths on these graves.
This was an incredible, moving experience, the recruits reported.
These generous acts prove the recruits have the right stuff when it comes to serving their communities.
“Through helping families in need, assisting those who are less fortunate, recognizing active servicemen and women, thanking our veterans, and taking a moment to be grateful for what we are blessed to have, the 63rd R.O.C. set out to start their careers giving back to the communities they hope to serve,’’ Student Officer Wagner wrote.