North End street sweeping set July 5 and 6
In a continuing effort to beautify the city, The Department of Public Infrastructure will conduct a major street sweeping in the North End of the city on Wednesday, July 5 and Thursday, July 6.
Streets between Coggeshall Street north to Deane Street, and Ashley Boulevard east to Belleville Avenue, will be cleaned between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. on July 5 and July 6.
Informational signs and traffic barrels will be placed in the neighborhood beginning Monday, July 3.
No parking signs will be posted on those days, and a parking ban will apply similar to snow-related parking bans. The south and west sides of the streets will be cleaned Wednesday (applied as a parking ban would), and the north and east sides of the street will be cleaned Thursday (opposite parking as a routine parking ban).
Signs will alert drivers to park on the side opposite the sweepers. Cars should park on the designated side of the street each day, and will be towed for non-compliance.
The alternate side of the street parking ban is necessary to allow Department of Public Infrastructure crews to access the full width of the roadway to ensure a thorough and complete cleaning. The Department thanks city residents in advance for their cooperation in cleaning their neighborhood streets.