Meetings scheduled to shape future of policing in New Bedford

Want to have a say about the future of the New Bedford Police Department?

Two community safety and police initiatives meetings are scheduled to allow the public to provide feedback. The New Bedford Police Department has a strong commitment to the city and to those who live, work or visit New Bedford. We want to continue and enhance that level of service in the future, with input from you.

The meetings will be held from 6-7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 29 at the Buttonwood Warming House at Buttonwood Park and from 6-7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 30 at the Global Learning Charter School cafeteria, 190 Ashley Blvd.

The meetings are hosted by Public Safety Strategies Group, a management consulting firm specializing in public safety, organizational reviews, data analysis and strategic planning. No representatives from the New Bedford Police Department will be in attendance.