Campbell School playground to honor Sgt. Gannon; fundraisers planned
On Monday, May 14th, the New Bedford School Committee voted unanimously to name the Campbell Elementary School playground after Sgt. Sean Gannon who died in the line of duty on April 12th. Members of the Sgt. Sean Gannon Memorial Playground Committee are honored to be able to memorialize our hometown hero with a playground near his childhood home, where his parents still reside. They are anxious to begin this work. They have a few fundraisers lined up to help us reach their goal. They hope to honor Sgt. Gannon in the most special way that he deserves. They have launched a Facebook and gofundme page to help with the campaign and are relying on the community’s help to build this playground.
Facebook page for the Sgt. Gannon Memorial Playground
Gofundme page for this fundraiser