New Bedford Police News

Memorial Day Parade

May 24, 2019

DATE : May 16, 2019 TO: NEWS MEDIA FROM: SGT Scott Liberty SUBJECT: MEMORIAI, DAY PARADE – MONDAY, 27, 2019 The Traffic Division of the…

Mayor and City Officials announce significant investments in the New Bedford Police Department

May 24, 2019

New Bedford, Massachusetts– Mayor Jon Mitchell and Police Chief Joseph Cordeiro announced significant investments in the New Bedford Police Department at a press conference Tuesday…

Construction progressing well on NBPD’s new booking area.

May 21, 2019

The foundation has been set for the new sally port and booking area! We will keep everyone posted on the progression of this new project.

New Bedford Police receive public safety grant to enforce seat belt laws

May 7, 2019

New Bedford Police Receive Public Safety Grant to Increase Enforcement of Seat Belt Law New Bedford, Ma. – The New Bedford Police Department received grant…

Chief Cordeiro visiting Dennision Memorial Center and chating with the kids about achieving dreams

April 29, 2019

This past Saturday, Chief Joseph Cordeiro visited the Dennison Memorial Community Center. The Chief hung out with the kids at the center and gave them…

National RX Drug Take Back Program, sponsored by the DEA

April 29, 2019

Saturday, April 27th, was another successful National RX Drug Take Back program sponsored by the DEA. It was held at the New Bedford Police Headquarters…

DEA sponsered Drug Take Back Day will be Saturday, April 27th, 10am to 2pm at New Bedford Police Headquarters

April 22, 2019

What better day to clear out your medicine cabinet and bring your unwanted medications to New Bedford Police headquarters, 871 Rockdale Ave. from 10 a.m.…

Nothing says Easter in Southeastern Massachusetts like sweet bread!

April 19, 2019

We want to thank Sandy Silva for delivering sweet bread to Headquarters. Sandy is not pictured, but her two daughters, nephew, and Chief Cordeiro are…

Greater New Bedford Opioid Task Force meet at Summit for stragetic planning on addiction

April 18, 2019

Chief Cordeiro and members of the Greater New Bedford Opioid Multi-Discipline Task Force met at The Whaling Museum on Thursday, April 11th, to provide their…

Construction underway for our new Sally port entrance and booking area at Headquarters

April 17, 2019

Today we started the construction of our new Sally Port that will be enclosed, along with the booking area that will be re-engineered and restructured…

NBPD teams up with Saint Mary’s Church and The Saint Vincent Depaul Society to feed the homeless

April 4, 2019

New Bedford Police teamed up with Saint Mary’s Church and Saint Vincent Depaul to deliver meals to the homeless. Approximately 175 meals were prepared and…

Pet Fest and Walk for Animals coming May 5th.

April 4, 2019

Coalition for Animals 20th Annual PET FEST and Walk for Animals Buttonwood Park… 745 Rockdale Ave. New Bedford, MA SUNDAY MAY 5, 2019 (rain or…

The City of New Bedford to begin annual street sweeping program

April 3, 2019

New Bedford, Massachusetts– The Department of Public Infrastructure will conduct a major street sweeping program in the city, including a parking ban on designated sides…

School Resource Officers Harris does a presentation at Holy Family/Holy Name on Bullying, sponsored by the Boston Bruins.

March 29, 2019

On Wednesday, March 27th, our very own School Resource Officers Shane Harris and Ryan Bland were at Holy Famly/Holy Name School in our city for…

New Bedford Police participates in Healthy Community Day, coordinated by the Near North End Alliance

March 17, 2019

New Bedford Police came out in support of the Near North End Alliance’s “Healthy Community Day” held at the Global Learning Charter School on Saturday,…

City of New Bedford to host low-cost rabies clinic at two locations.

March 14, 2019

P R E S S R E L E A S E City of New Bedford to Host Low-Cost Rabies Clinic at Two Locations 10am-12…

New Bedford Ready to host the 42nd annual Half-Marathon

March 13, 2019

New Bedford ready to host 42nd annual Half Marathon Race begins at 11:00 a.m. sharp on Sunday, March 17, 2019 New Bedford, Massachusetts– On Sunday,…


March 4, 2019

Additional photos from the 8th Promotional Ceremony held by the New Bedford Police Department.

11 newly promoted officers celebrated at the 8th New Bedford Police Department Promotional Ceremony

March 3, 2019

The New Bedford Police Department celebrated the promotions of 11 officers. The ceremony was held on Friday, March 1st, 2019 at the Keith Middle School.…

Deadline approaching for police officer civil service exam

January 10, 2019

Looking for an exciting, rewarding job? Want to make a difference in your community? The 2019 Municipal and MBTA Transit Police Officer Exam will be…