Good Luck, Cadets!

Hi everyone, my name is Holly, I’m the Media Relations Specialist for the New Bedford Police Department, and I’m the one usually behind the camera recording all of our videos.

We have two amazing cadets who work here, their names are Axel Rodriguez and Emma Ferland, and they have been instrumental in their day-to-day duties during their time here.

They’re going to be leaving us in January to start the police academy to become police officers for the department — and although we’re gonna miss them so much, what a better way to send them off than by hearing from people around the department about how amazing they are.

Axel Emma, this one’s for you:

“Axel, I need a box of paper for CRB when you have a chance.” — John Barnes, Keeper of Records

“Hey Axel, there’s a delivery in CRB for you to pick up.” — Lois Paczosa, CRB Clerk

“Axel, I believe the Captain’s looking for you.” — Lisa Ferreira, CRB Clerk

“Hey this message is for Axel and Emma, two of our cadets that are gonna be going off to the police academy. I know that you both are gonna do very well, we can’t wait for you to return, and can’t wait to see what kind of police officers you’re gonna be out there on the streets. I know it’s gonna be great, so, good luck to you and best wishes in the trail ahead.” — Scott Carola, Assistant Deputy Chief

“We’re really, really proud of you. I can’t wait to see all the fun things you’re gonna do as officers, and we’re gonna really miss you as cadets, but I just wanted to say thank you for everything you’ve done. Love you guys, best of luck.” — Sarah Cummings, Management Analyst

“Axel and Emma, I wanna say thank you so much for everything that you’ve done for the police department, especially for the New Bedford Outreach Team.” Natashia Patricio, Outreach Program Coordinator

“Emma and Axel, I want to wish you the best of luck in the academy which is right around the corner now but more importantly I wanna thank you for what you’ve done up to this point. You guys have been so instrumental in helping us and so many of our tasks that have gone on for the last couple of years. Whether it’s helping out with the construction, overseeing some of the movements that have gone around, or just attending community events, I’ve never heard either one of you complain. You bring such a positive attitude to this department, and I’m really looking forward to the day that we can all call you an officer so we wish you the best of luck and we hope to see you back here soon.” — Paul Oliveira, Police Chief

“Congratulations, Axel and Emma. Your hard work has finally paid off. You guys have been a big part of the team here working as cadets and now you’re off on to the academies. I look forward to working with you guys and getting you guys started in your careers as police officers.” — Trevor Sylvia, Training Sergeant

” Axel, I just wanna say I wanna miss you because you’re always there when I called you. Take care!” — Lisa Ferreira, CRB Clerk

“Hi Axel and Emma, good luck in the academy. We can’t wait to hear your stories and we can’t wait to see how well you’re both gonna do. “We know you’re gonna do great. We’re going to miss you.” — Pamela Swaye, Finance Office

“Really just, great, great people, some of my favorite people in the building, so really sad to see you go, going to miss you a lot and really looking forward to you coming back as officers. I’m very proud of you.” — Kathleen Marshall, Administrative Manager

“You’ve been great here, you’ve been a lot of help. Everything we’ve asked to do, you’ve always done it and very much appreciated.” — Cynthia Aguiar, Finance Office

“He’s to Axel and Emma, good luck in your next venture as police officers, I know you’re gonna do a fabulous job. You will sorely be missed here, especially in the chief’s office. Good luck and God Bless.” — Kathleen Neemer, Administrative Manager

“I just want to wish you both the best of luck with your new journey and I wanna thank you both for everything you did. You were both huge assets around here, and you did so much for the department. We’re really gonna miss you and we look forward to seeing what you’re gonna do on your journey, and we can’t wait to see you both again. Good luck!” — Carla Chixarro, Financial Assistant